Maine Coon cats are one of the most majestic cat breeds on the planet. They are sweet tempered, very sociable, highly intelligent, and often have luxurious fluffy coats.
They are one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specifically “native” to the state of Maine, though in truth this large kitty was simply introduced there, and has now become the official state cat.
On average, males weigh from 13 to 18 lb (5.9 to 8.2 kg) with females weighing from 8 to 12 lb (3.6 to 5.4 kg).
The height of adults can vary between 10 and 16 in (25 and 41 cm) and they can reach a length of up to 48 in (120 cm), including the tail, which can reach a length of 14 in (36 cm).
These staggering statistics make them the largest breed of domestic cat and their easy going temperament makes them the perfect family pet.
If you now think that fully grown Maine Coon cats are exceptional, then wait until you see their cute kittens!
These beautiful creatures have all the extra fuzz that a cat can have and more – and they’re cute, really cute.
So take a look at this great photo collection compiled by Bored Panda and let us know in the comments which one is your favorite.
1. Our Snow Tiger

2. I’m Just Wondering What I’ll Destroy Now…

3. 9-Week-Old Maine Coon Kittens, Waiting For Their Vet Check

4. 7-Months-Old Maine Coon Thinks He Is A Statue

5. Scruffy…

6. Maine Coon Kitten Nana

7. Smiling For The Picture

8. Time for a big awwwww

9. Purr-fectly Posing For His Closeup
10. Little Neo

11. 3-Months-Old Vs. 6-Months-Old. This Is How Fast They Grow

12. I Wake Up To This Every Morning, She’s The Best Maine Coon I Could Ask For

13. Our Beautiful 4 Months Old Silver Boy

14. Our Maine Coon Kitten Atticus

15. Le Rouquin…

16. This is 12-Weeks-Old Birdie

17. After Months Of Waiting I Finally Got A Maine Coon, Meet Zelda

18. My Beloved Cuties