Cats do the weirdest things; they attack our feet when they’re feeling playful all of a sudden, they pounce at each other, they bite us in the midst of a petting session, etc. They are also known for falling asleep in weird places and positions.
Just take a look at two of my cats.
He was too tired to walk across the entire couch and just fell asleep in the middle of walking. And look at this missy, chilling in the “comfy” window.
The following cats are even more hilarious! I often wonder how it is possible that they fit in such tight spots or can fall asleep on an iron fence.
1. I’m Not Uncomfortable At All
2. Is There A Better Commercial?
3. I Tried To Jump Over But Got Tired In The Middle…
4. My Meows Are All The Music You Need
5. What Grill? This Feels More Like A Bed
6. Print This!

7. Oh Well…
8. I Had To Dry My Fur
9. I Knew It! Cats Are Fluid
10. I Don’t Want To See Anything
11. First I Sleep, Then I Grow
12. This Cat Identifies As A Bowl
13. This Has Been A Long Day…
14. How Do I Get In… Nevermind *Yawns*
15. This Isn’t For Cups, It’s For Kittens Or Pups
16. I Shouldn’t Have Drunk All That Beer
17. Beauty Blender? Let Me Just Blend In Right Here
18. Deep Sleep State Is Visible
19. Nothing Comfier Than A Shoe
20. It’s Good For The Spine
I hope these photos made you laugh, I know they made my day. Do you have any pics of your cat falling in a weird position or in a weird place? Share it in the comments.