6 Herbs You Can Easily Grow in Water All Year Round

Growing plants in water is a simple, soil-free method, particularly suitable for indoor herb gardening. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start:

Cutting Twigs:

Select twigs from a healthy, mature plant. Choose young, soft-textured twigs with delicate colors, around 15 cm in length. Remove the leaves near the base to encourage root growth and prevent mold in the water.

Preparing the Container:

Use a container like a pot, a glass bottle, or even a plastic one. Cover the part where the roots will grow with a strip of paper or fabric to shade the roots and prevent algae formation. The container should have a narrow neck to support the twig but not so narrow that it restricts root development.

Water Maintenance:

Initially, change the water once a week. After 2 to 6 weeks, when white roots have formed, frequent water changes are no longer necessary.

Here are 6 herbs you can grow in water:

Rosemary: Choose younger twigs as they root faster than woody ones. Place the container in a sunny area of your home.
Sage: Cut twigs in spring and immerse them in water. Keep them in a bright, airy place, as sage is prone to mold.
Mint: This is one of the easiest herbs to grow in water. Simply submerge a few twigs in a jar.
Tarragon: For water cultivation, take a few branches in spring when new growth appears. Keep in a warm, sunny spot. French tarragon is great for cooking, while Russian tarragon suits salads.
Basil: Basil also grows easily in water. Cut the stems before the flowering stage and place them in a bright location.
Peppermint: It roots quickly in water.
These herbs not only add fresh flavors to your cooking but also bring greenery to your living space, making them a perfect combination of utility and aesthetics.

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