We frequently believe that our spouse is the person we know best, the one closest to us. However, reality can occasionally be unexpectedly different. People in the stories we’ve compiled for you today were astounded to learn the hidden realities about their partners. They fearlessly decided to make these revelations public.
1. I was pregnant when my spouse passed away in a job acci:dent. When I received his possessions, there were answering machine messages from people who thanked him for being so fantastic. It made me proud of what a nice man dad was.
Then, when I opened his computer, I was astounded to see emails and text messages from various women thanking him for dinner, etc. I felt a sudden outburst of rage toward him, which I could not control. Everyone told me, “You can’t be mad at a dea:d person.” But it was unclear. © missymaypen/Reddit
2. I spent the first four months of our relationship at his residence. He walked to the restroom and left his laptop open, so I checked it and discovered he had daily messages with a woman. That woman was his closest friend’s girlfriend. © Unknown author/Reddit

3. After we broke up, my ex was obviously concerned while collecting his possessions. He said he couldn’t find his “blue work planner” and had me promise that if I discovered it, I’d phone him directly instead of peeking inside.
A few months later, I found the planner and couldn’t stop myself from opening it. My blood turned cold when I discovered it wasn’t a work planner. He’d been methodically following my menstrual cycle for the past nine years, taking comprehensive notes on specific days and times.
I was horrified and felt sick to my stomach. I still can’t understand why he did this—it revealed a twisted side of him I never knew existed. I’m unsure whether I should confront him about it, or if I even want to.
4. I discovered a secret file on my ex’s computer with photos of my pals that he found beautiful, all stolen from Facebook. copyright disapearingelephants/Reddit

5. I discovered my ex’s passport, which had a different name on it, along with 20-30 tweezers. She claimed she lost her brows in an unusual chemical makeup event. But who knew she was removing them with tweezers and using a different name? © StringTheories74 | Reddit
6. I discovered a notebook containing a nearly completed letter detailing how she chea:ted on me and how miserable she was in the relationship. I contacted her at work and asked about it, and she confirmed that it was correct. I had packed and left before she got home. I relocated three hours away with my best buddy and have had a wonderful time since. © Good-of-Rome/Reddit

7. Following her abrupt de*th, I discovered a dozen maxed-out credit cards, the majority with sums in the thousands. Fortunately, I had not signed for any of them. This was shortly after she died, so I sent out a few dozen death certificates, and that was the end of it. My state did not impose spousal debt on the surviving partner. © va_wanderer | Reddit
8. I uncovered documents pertaining to her discharge from an inpatient psychiatric facility. It was from before we were dating, but she had never told me about her extensive mental health history. She should’ve. © Crabeating Seal / Reddit
9. The girlfriend at the time attended a festival with a female friend. A few months later, while packing for our relocation, I came across images from the event. Who was in the tent with her? Yes, her ex. © Chrisf1bcn | Reddit