Put cloves in your hand and won’t have to spend money at the pharmacy anymore

Cloves are a remarkable spice with powerful medicinal properties that have been utilized in traditional medicine for centuries.

Here’s an intriguing look at how holding cloves in your hand can potentially offer health benefits that might reduce your visits to the pharmacy.

The Power of Cloves

Cloves are not only aromatic and flavorful but also packed with health-promoting compounds. They contain eugenol, a natural antiseptic and pain reliever, along with important antioxidants that can help in fighting free radical damage. Here’s what happens when you hold cloves in your hand:


Aromatherapy Benefits
  • Stress Relief: The scent of cloves is known to have a calming effect, which can reduce stress and anxiety levels. Simply holding cloves in your hand and inhaling deeply can help calm your nerves.
  • Headache Relief: The eugenol in cloves is a natural pain reliever, which can be beneficial for alleviating headaches. The soothing aroma helps reduce tension, which often contributes to headaches.

Acupressure Points
  • Stimulation of Digestive Health: Applying gentle pressure with cloves to specific acupressure points on the hands can help stimulate digestive processes and relieve issues like bloating and nausea.
  • Boost Immunity: The pressure points in the hands are connected to various bodily functions. By holding cloves, you might stimulate points that support immune function, thanks to their antibacterial and antiviral properties.

How to Use Cloves for Health Benefits

  1. Aromatherapy Session: Hold a clove between your fingers and breathe in the aroma for a few minutes. This can be particularly soothing during times of stress or when you feel a headache coming on.
  2. Direct Application for Pain Relief: For toothaches, you can place a whole clove near the painful area in your mouth. The eugenol will act as a natural anesthetic, providing temporary relief.
  3. Cloves in Hand Therapy: Gently press cloves into the palm of your hand or use them to massage pressure points. This can stimulate the acupressure points associated with different body organs.

Precautions and Considerations

  • Skin Sensitivity: Some people may find that direct contact with cloves can irritate the skin. If you have sensitive skin, it may be wise to wrap the cloves in a thin cloth before holding them.
  • Ingestion: While cloves are safe to consume in small quantities as a spice, excessive ingestion can lead to complications, such as blood thinning or liver issues. Always use moderation.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women should consult with a healthcare provider before using cloves for medicinal purposes.


While holding cloves in your hand isn’t a cure-all, it can certainly be part of a holistic approach to health that minimizes your reliance on pharmaceuticals for minor ailments. Whether it’s through aromatherapy, acupressure, or simply enjoying their scent, cloves offer a natural and accessible way to enhance your well-being.

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