Cat Becomes Wet-Nurse to 8 Baby Hedgehogs

This loving cat became foster and wet nurse to eight baby hedgehogs that lost their mother in a lawnmower accident.

Caregivers took them in and tried to hand-rear them, but they refused to eat from a bottle or syringe.

Alyona Asnovina, Sadgorod Zoo deputy director said: “The hedgehogs’ mother was hit on the head by a lawnmower. Her eight babies were left without a mother.”

“They didn’t eat on their own. After two days, the hedgehogs were becoming hungry.”

She added: “I saw our cat Musya in the yard. I quickly grabbed her and put her by the baby hedgehogs. Literally, after a couple of seconds they approached the cat, they understood at once what to do, having felt her warmth and the smell of milk.”

“Surprisingly, the cat also understood instantly what was expected of her. She lay down and fortunately, the hedgehogs began to nurse.”

Luckily Musya still had milk left after taking care of several foster kittens, and the tiny orphans took to her immediately.

She not only feeds the hoglets, but also takes care of them at night.

The tiny hedgehogs are thriving thanks to the help of their surrogate mama giving them warmth and milk. A mama cat’s unconditional love knows no bounds!

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