With only garlic and olive oil, you will be spared from several diseases present in the body

The benefits of garlic are no longer in doubt. In addition to its ability to spice up dishes in the kitchen, it has numerous health benefits and thus demonstrates that it has more than one trick up its sleeve. Combined with olive oil, its effects are multiplied and both constitute an effective remedy against several ailments.

Renowned for its culinary benefits thanks to its unique flavor, garlic is also known for its health benefits. The father of Western medicine, Hippocrates, famously said: “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy nourishment.” Thus, the ancient Greek physician  often prescribed garlic to treat various medical conditions  and science has well-supported its beneficial effects via research. Find out what health benefits garlic oil provides.

Why is garlic good for your health?

Because it contains medicinal properties

Thanks to its compounds such as allicin, diallyl disulfide and s-allyl cysteine, garlic helps exert its powerful biological effects in the body. A  study  demonstrated that s-allyl cysteine ​​could  reduce oxidative stress  or even neuroinflammation.

What about winter illnesses?

Garlic supplements have the merit of  boosting the immune system . A  study  involving a group of participants who took a garlic supplement over a period of 12 weeks demonstrated that these volunteers were less likely to catch a cold and that they recovered quickly after having been infected.

What about blood pressure?

It is known that hypertension constitutes one of the factors favoring cardiovascular diseases. In this context, a  study  demonstrated that garlic powder would have a  hypolipidemic effect and a cardioprotective action . Another  study  has suggested that aged garlic extract  lowers systolic blood pressure  .

Garlic would reduce cholesterol

It is a  meta-analysis  which stipulates this. Garlic supplements may have a notable role in treating high cholesterol. Dried garlic powder preparations have been shown to  significantly reduce total cholesterol .

And olive oil?

The most dominant fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. According to a study , the latter helps   reduce  inflammation . In addition, olive oil would have  antioxidant activity to fight against free radicals, causing several diseases, as stipulated in the present  study . Olive oil has also, according to one  study , been linked to a reduced risk of stroke and heart disease.

So many reasons to introduce garlic and olive oil into your daily diet to enjoy good vitality and a healthy body.

How to prepare garlic oil?

To concoct this garlic oil full of virtues, you will need:

  • A clove of garlic
  • ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil

Peel the garlic clove then slice it. In a medium skillet add the minced garlic clove and olive oil. Heat lightly without burning it. Put everything in an airtight glass jar and leave to infuse overnight.

You can  consume a tablespoon of this oil in the morning  or even use it as a topical treatment.

In fact, this oil could be a  remedy for acne , since in addition to allicin, garlic contains selenium and zinc, which can improve skin health.

In addition, garlic oil  prevents hair loss , thus strengthening the roots and hair follicles, stimulating rapid hair growth, thanks to its vitamins B1 and B6.

Garlic oil also helps  fight dandruff  which is caused by inflammation of the scalp. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and its sulfur content, this oil soothes the skin and  prevents itching  caused by dandruff. Simply massage the hair with this preparation and let it penetrate overnight. Rinse the next day with a mild shampoo.

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