6-Year-Old’s Birthday Party Ends in Tears When No One Shows Up

Teddy’s sixth birthday was supposed to be a day full of joy and celebration. His parents even offered to take him to Disney World or Lego Land, but Teddy chose to celebrate with his friends.

His mom, Sia, reserved a table at Peter Piper Pizza and gave out 32 invitations to Teddy’s classmates two weeks before the party. Over half of the parents said their kids would come.

However, on the day of Teddy’s birthday, his classmates were nowhere to be seen. The family waited for over an hour, but none of the children showed up. It was heart-wrenching for Sia to witness her son’s disappointment. Teddy’s father expressed his own disappointment, saying, “Teddy, the biggest thing for him was having his classmates there, so not seeing them show up an hour into the party was disappointing.”

In an effort to lift Teddy’s spirits, his parents tried to distract him with games like arcade. Sia, feeling compelled to share their experience, took a photo of Teddy looking sad and shared it online. Little did she know that the photo would go viral and receive an overwhelming amount of attention.

As the photo circulated, hundreds of people reached out to wish Teddy a happy birthday and some even sent him presents. The Phoenix Suns and the Phoenix Rising MLS team even extended an invitation to the family to attend their upcoming games.

However, out of all the parents whose children did not attend the party, only one bothered to apologize to Sia. This incident serves as a reminder to be more thoughtful and considerate towards others.

For the full story, check out the video:

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