Put This on for 1 Hour in Your House, and You’ll Never See Flies, Mosquitoes, or Cockroaches Again: Bay Leaves

Bay leaves are a powerful, natural way to repel insects like flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches from your home. Their strong aroma contains compounds like eucalyptol, which are highly effective at keeping these pests at bay. By using bay leaves in the right way, you can create a simple, chemical-free solution that drives insects out of your house. Here’s how to do it.

Why Bay Leaves Work

  • Eucalyptol: Bay leaves contain eucalyptol, which has insect-repelling properties. This compound affects the insects’ nervous system, making them avoid areas where the scent is strong.
  • Aromatic Oils: The natural oils in bay leaves release a fragrance that is unpleasant to many insects, including flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.

How to Use Bay Leaves to Repel Insects

Method 1: Burn Bay Leaves

Materials Needed:

  • Dried bay leaves
  • A heat-safe dish or bowl
  • Matches or a lighter


  1. Prepare the Bay Leaves: Place a few dried bay leaves in a heat-safe dish or bowl. Make sure the dish is non-flammable and can withstand heat.
  2. Light the Bay Leaves: Using a match or lighter, carefully light the edges of the bay leaves. Allow them to smolder rather than burn with an open flame. The smoke produced by the smoldering leaves is what repels the insects.
  3. Distribute the Smoke: Carry the dish around your house, focusing on areas where flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches are most likely to be found, such as near windows, doors, and in dark corners. The smoke will drive these pests away.
  4. Leave for 1 Hour: Let the bay leaves smolder for about an hour, ensuring the smoke spreads throughout the area.
  5. Ventilate: After the hour, ventilate the house by opening windows and doors to let out the smoke. The scent will linger, keeping the insects away even after the smoke has cleared.

Method 2: Bay Leaf Sachets

Materials Needed:

  • Dried bay leaves
  • Small cloth bags or sachets


  1. Prepare the Sachets: Place a handful of dried bay leaves into small cloth bags or sachets. You can crush the leaves slightly to release more of their aromatic oils.
  2. Distribute Around the House: Place the sachets in areas where flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches are a problem, such as near windows, doors, under sinks, or in cabinets.
  3. Leave for 1 Hour: Allow the bay leaf sachets to sit in these areas for at least an hour. The strong scent will permeate the air and deter insects.
  4. Replace as Needed: Refresh the sachets every few weeks or when the scent starts to fade to maintain their effectiveness.

Additional Tips

  • Use Fresh Bay Leaves: The fresher the bay leaves, the stronger their aroma and the more effective they will be at repelling insects.
  • Combine with Other Herbs: For an even more potent repellent, combine bay leaves with other insect-repelling herbs like rosemary, lavender, or mint.
  • Avoid on Sensitive Surfaces: If using the burning method, be careful not to place the dish on surfaces that could be damaged by heat or smoke.


Using bay leaves to repel flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches is a natural, safe, and effective method that doesn’t involve harsh chemicals. Whether you choose to burn them or use sachets, bay leaves can help you maintain a pest-free home. Try this simple method and enjoy a more comfortable, insect-free environment in just one hour!

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