Girl Strolls Through Supermarket with Mom, Spots Her ‘Missing’ Photo on Milk Carton

At the supermarket, Mia is shocked to discover a milk carton bearing her photo and the word “MISSING.” Will Mia be able to save herself once she finds her true identity?

Mia, 14, opened her eyes to a nurse smiling beside her. “How are you feeling, dear? Can you tell me your name?” the woman asked. Mia blinked. “I’m Mia…but that’s all I know,” she said.“It’s OK,” The nurse smiled. “You’ve been in a coma for a few days. Your brain is still trying to wake up fully.”

The nurse examined her, checking her pulse and examining her eyes. Mia was fine, but she would stay under observation, at least for a few days. “Just a little longer, and you’ll be discharged. I’m going to tell your parents you are awake,” the nurse continued. “They’ve been distraught, but they’ll be so happy to see you.”

As the nurse walked away, Mia pressed her memory for details. Did she have parents who were worried for her? Would she recognize them? Mia’s racing thoughts were interrupted when the door burst open. “Oh, darling!” A woman rushed toward her and hugged her tightly. “Thank God you’re alive!”

Mia didn’t remember her. She stared blankly as the woman pulled away. “I’m sorry, but I don’t remember anyone. I woke up from a coma,” Mia explained. “I know, sweetie. The doctors filled me in. I’m Laura, your mother,” the woman said calmly.

Mia still didn’t recognize her. “What happened to me? Why don’t I remember you?” Laura smiled gently. “There was an accident. But let’s not focus on the bad things, yes? I’m here to take you home. Familiar surroundings might help your memory return.”

“When can we leave?” Mia asked. “Now,” Laura replied a bit too quickly. “I’ll pack your things.” Laura began collecting Mia’s stuff, which confused the young girl. “But the nurse said I needed to stay here—”. “Well, did she say you’re better now?” “She did,” Mia nodded. “Then it’s settled,” Laura declared. “They just want to keep you longer for the bills.”

Mia believed Laura. As they were about to leave, Laura opened the door but quickly stepped back, alarmed by the flurry of activity outside. “We’ll have to be quick, Mia. Follow me.” Instead of taking the main exit, Laura veered toward the fire escape. Mia noticed Laura’s nervous expression. “Why are we going this way?” she asked.

“We need to get one floor down,” Laura replied, guiding Mia down the staircase. They reached a quiet landing, and Laura released Mia’s hand. “Wait here; I’ll be back in two minutes.” Laura returned with paperwork, and they hurried to the parking lot. Laura’s steps quickened when a doctor’s voice sounded nearby, and she ushered Mia behind a car.

“Why are we hiding?” Mia asked. “I’m sorry, honey,” Laura’s voice trembled. “I can’t afford another day here. I can’t pay your bills.” Mia didn’t recognize Laura yet but sensed her pain. “It’s OK,” she whispered, giving Laura a comforting smile.

Mia stared out of the window during the drive, watching the city turn into lines of trees. They arrived at a solitary house among greenery, but Mia still didn’t recognize it. Laura led her to a room with pastel walls and toys. Baby pictures, which Mia assumed were of her, hung on the wall. It felt odd. “Is this really my room?” she asked.

“We lived here when you were very young,” Laura smiled. “We moved to the city, but our house there caught fire. So, we came back here.” Mia tried to remember but couldn’t. Laura talked about Mia’s hobbies and favorite foods, but nothing felt familiar. Mia listened quietly.

One morning, Laura said she was going grocery shopping, and Mia asked to join. At the supermarket, Mia noticed a milk carton with her photo labeled “missing.” Mia’s heart raced. She lifted the carton and stared at the photo. Laura’s voice startled her. “Remember something?” Mia nervously replied, “I was just looking.”

Laura nodded, turning toward checkout. Mia quickly memorized the phone number on the carton. During the drive home and dinner, she couldn’t stop thinking about the carton.

That night, while Laura was gardening, Mia secretly dialed the number. After a few rings, a woman’s voice answered. “Hello? Who is this?”

“I saw my photo on a milk carton,” Mia said nervously. “Can you tell me what’s going on?” There was a pause before the woman’s panicked voice responded. “Mia? Is that you?”

“Yes, but I don’t remember much.”

“Oh, Mia! You were kidnapped! Your father and I have been looking for you. Do you know where you are?”

Before Mia could say more, Laura stormed in. “Who were you talking to?” she demanded. “No one, just a wrong number,” Mia stammered.

“I see you’re lying to me!” Laura shouted, lunging at Mia and dragging her to the basement. “You’re my daughter, and I won’t give you to anyone!”

Mia was locked inside, pounding on the door, begging Laura to let her out. When her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she noticed papers in a corner—Laura’s hospital notes.

The top note, dated 12.01, revealed Laura’s delusions of seeing her deceased daughter. Each following note described her worsening mental state.

Mia’s worst suspicions were confirmed. Laura wasn’t her mother. She was a mentally ill woman, mistaking Mia for her dead daughter.

Desperate, Mia formed a plan. “Mom, I’m scared!” she yelled. “Remember how we planted the garden together? I want those moments back.”

Mia held her breath, waiting. Finally, she heard the key turn. Laura came downstairs, wrapping her arms around Mia. “I’m sorry. I was scared you’d leave me again.”

Mia feigned concern. “I’m here now,” she whispered. Laura led her upstairs and served dinner, her hands shaking nervously.

After the meal, Laura asked Mia to fetch the dishes. Seizing her chance, Mia grabbed a plate and swung it at Laura with all her strength. Laura collapsed, crying out in pain.

Mia snatched the keys, unlocked the door, and fled into the forest. She heard Laura chasing her but kept running. When Laura caught up, she grabbed Mia’s leg, pulling her down.

Just as Laura began to choke Mia, a cop emerged from the bushes, shouting, “Release the girl, or I’ll shoot!”

Laura didn’t listen, so the cop fired a Taser. Laura’s body jolted, and she collapsed.

As Mia gasped for breath, the cop reassured her, “You’re safe now.”

Soon after, Mia’s real parents arrived. Her parents hugged her and explained how they had found her using the information from her call. “We contacted the police immediately after you called us. You’ll finally be home, honey,” Her mother said.

“Finally.” Mia wrapped her arms around her parents and silently cried with relief. She knew the people she was hugging were her real parents. Not only did she look like them, but the comfort she felt in their arms was something she would never feel otherwise.

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