What Does It Mean to Dream of Your Teeth Falling Out?

We never quite know what our minds will deliver as we drift into dreamland. Sometimes we dream about completely mundane things like picking up milk at the grocery store, while other times we can experience an emotional roller coaster that leaves us with genuine, lingering feelings once our eyes flutter open.

This roulette is fascinating in and of itself, but what’s also interesting about dreams is that so many of us share the same ones. Dreaming of our teeth falling out is one such example. In fact, there’s a good chance that you could ask any of your friends if they’ve had some variation of this dream and they’d nod their head yes.

‘It also tends to be one of the scariest, most stressful, and most visceral dreams we can have.’

What Is the Teeth Falling Out Dream?

Dreaming of your teeth falling out is considered a universal dream, meaning that many people experience a similar version. Other examples include forgetting to study for a big test, missing flights, running in place, or being in public naked.

This particularly prevalent dream has various iterations. It might include having one or more teeth break or randomly fall out, or in some cases you may experience all of your teeth disintegrating, shattering, or falling out. A quick survey of the Verywell Mind staff revealed that 100% of the team has experienced this dream in some form.

It’s naturally quite alarming to have this dream or any of its variations, and can leave you feeling stressed or panicked both during the dream and once you’ve woken up.

Possible Meanings Behind Dreaming of Teeth Falling Out


In Freudian dream analysis, dreams are seen as expressions of unconscious desires, conflicts, and repressed thoughts.3 The Freudian dream interpretation of your teeth falling out is often associated with sex-related stressors, uncertainties, repression, fears.


Looking to Reiki and meditation may also help us understand this dream more. Hope says that “because the teeth are located in the fifth chakra of communication, the dream can be about what you are not saying, what you didn’t say in the past, or what you need to say now.”


Dreams are viewed as symbolic representations of our unconscious thoughts in Jungian dream analysis.4 Interestingly, in Jungian theory dreaming of teeth falling out suggests that we’re entering into a new phase of life via transformation/renewal, life upheaval, or through aging.

Why We Dream About Our Teeth

Dream interpretation is very fluid and highly individualized, so it’s hard to say definitively what the dream means, exactly. However, by examining the potential interpretations above and looking at current life struggles or changes, we may be able to get a better idea of why our brain conjured up such a strange storyline.

Potential Factors Influencing Dreams About Our Teeth Falling Out:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Life changes and transitions
  • Fear or acknowledgement of aging
  • Unspoken thoughts or words weighing on you
  • Communication challenges
  • Sex-related stressors, uncertainties, repression, fears
  • Dental health and concerns

Coping With the…Fallout

Dreaming about your teeth falling out can feel alarming, leaving you with lingering feelings of stress or confusion. First, remind yourself that the dream isn’t real and that your teeth are, in fact, still intact and serving you as they need to. From here, if you’re curious about the potential meaning behind the dream, then take some time to sit down and examine your life and how it may relate.

Final Thoughts on Dreams

A teeth falling out dream is commonly associated with stress or uncertainties in our life, big changes or transformations, or unspoken thoughts and feelings that are weighing on you, so consider looking here first. Wherever it takes you can only provide deeper introspection into yourself and serve as a catalyst for change, understanding, and inner peace.


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