Tips for choosing ripe watermelons with red flesh, sweet, and paper-thin flesh

Nothing beats a fresh, sweet watermelon on a hot day! But choosing the perfect one can be tricky. To get the best-tasting watermelon with red, juicy, and paper-thin flesh, follow these simple tips:

1. Check the Sugar Spot

The sugar spot is where the stem was attached to the watermelon. A ripe one will have a small, dry, slightly sunken sugar spot—this means the fruit matured properly on the vine. Avoid watermelons with large, moist sugar spots, as they might be underripe or overripe.

2. Look for a Rich, Uniform Color

A good watermelon has a deep green color with strong, well-defined stripes. If the rind looks pale, dull, or patchy, it might not be fully ripe.

3. Pick the Heaviest One

The heavier the watermelon, the better! A ripe melon is packed with water, making it feel heavier than others of the same size. Compare a few and choose the one that feels the most solid.

4. Give It a Tap

Gently knock on the watermelon. If it sounds deep and hollow, it’s likely ripe and full of juice. A dull sound means it’s underripe or dry inside.

5. Check the Field Spot

The field spot is the area where the watermelon rested on the ground while growing. A ripe watermelon will have a creamy yellow field spot. If it’s white or green, the fruit may not be fully ripe.

6. Inspect the Rind

A smooth, unblemished rind is a good sign. Avoid melons with deep cuts, soft spots, or excessive scratches, as they could be damaged or spoiled.


To get the sweetest, juiciest watermelon, look for a small, dry sugar spot, a rich green color, a heavy feel, a hollow sound, and a yellow field spot. Follow these tips, and you’ll always pick a winner!

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