Important Signs To Look For That Could Suggest You Have Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Polymyalgia rheumatica is an inflammatory condition causing stiffness in the hips and shoulders, mainly affecting those over 50. Symptoms may appear suddenly or gradually and are often mistaken for fibromyalgia. It is also linked to giant cell arteritis. Here are key signs to watch for.

Shoulder Pain

Polymyalgia rheumatica often begins with aching shoulder pain on both sides, making daily tasks difficult. The pain can spread to the upper arms, worsen at night, and disrupt sleep.

Neck, Buttock, Thigh, Hip, and Upper Arm Pain

The pain usually begins in the shoulders but can also affect the hips, upper arms, buttocks, thighs, and neck. It may worsen after repetitive movement or prolonged inactivity, making it difficult to sit, bend, or stand up.


A key symptom of polymyalgia rheumatica is severe morning stiffness, often lasting over an hour. Patients describe their muscles as “locking up” after waking or sitting for long periods, making movement painful. Mild activity may help, but without treatment, mobility can decline over time.

Limited Range of Motion

If untreated, stiffness can limit movement. Shoulder pain may make raising your arms difficult, while reduced hip mobility can hinder standing up or climbing stairs. To avoid pain, many limit movement, leading to weaker muscles and further loss of flexibility.

Knee, Elbow, and Wrist Pain

While hip and shoulder pain are most common, some also experience stiffness in the knees, elbows, and wrists. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica doesn’t usually cause joint damage or swelling. However, wrist pain can make writing or typing difficult, and severe knee pain can hinder walking. Worse, the joint pain is often paired with muscle pain, making movement even harder.

Additional Symptoms of Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Although polymyalgia rheumatica is mainly associated with pain and stiffness, there are several other signs to be aware of. The inflammation can sometimes cause a mild fever, and many people experience persistent fatigue. Some individuals describe a general sense of unwellness or malaise, even without a clear cause. Loss of appetite can also lead to unintended weight loss. Additionally, mobility challenges may contribute to feelings of depression in some cases.

The Bottom Line

As we age, conditions like polymyalgia rheumatica can cause stiffness and pain, limiting movement and daily tasks. If you notice shoulder, hip, knee, or elbow pain, consult a doctor for evaluation.

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