My DIL Made Me Wear a ‘Bag’ to Her Wedding Because It Was More Appropriate for My Age and Weight — She Regretted It

Julie is shocked by the black, shapeless mass of a garment when her soon-to-be daughter-in-law informs her what to wear to the wedding. Julie, however, decides to handle things herself rather than waiting for Elizabeth to make the ultimate decision.

“That girl is going to give you a run for your money, Julie,” my friend Gloria said when I told her about Elizabeth, who would soon become my daughter-in-law.

Oh, without a doubt, I said.

Elizabeth was my Jimmy’s friend and we used to get along so well. She would grin and start a nice little conversation. But her whole attitude changed when he wasn’t.

I made some tea and remarked, “It’s like she becomes a different person, Glo.”

Elizabeth would always cut me out by becoming aloof and chilly. We were so close that I always worried whether she felt intimidated by my position in Jimmy’s life.

“However, that simply cannot be true,” Gloria remarked as she helped herself to the cookie jar on the counter. “You haven’t been the kind of bossy, domineering mother-in-law. It is evident.”

Of course, I agreed with Gloria.

For Jimmy’s sake, I always attempted to overlook it, whatever the reason. But then things took a much more drastic turn when the wedding planning began.

Elizabeth has everything planned, but she might want to know what you think about the flowers, Mom. She also mentioned wanting to view her mother’s gowns. She will therefore most likely stop over and take a peek at your wedding attire. Is that acceptable?

“Yeah, that’s absolutely fine with me,” I replied.

Nothing was bothering me. I thought that the lovely yellow dress I had found was ideal for the situation. It was sophisticated, well-chosen, and gave me confidence.

Elizabeth, however, scowled when I showed her.

“I apologize, Julia,” she uttered. “But that dress isn’t appropriate for your age and weight,” she stated in a tone that was rife with disdain.

“Remain calm,” she said. “I’ll make the ideal dress for you. You are aware of my sufficient clothing-making experience.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, spinning around in the dress to show her how much I loved it and to give her a closer look.

“Yes,” she replied. “Yes, without a doubt. I need my wedding to be flawless since I have a vision for it. In addition, I’ll be organizing my mother’s clothing.”

She gave me a dark sack that had no shape a week later.

“What is this?” I whispered.

It appeared to be a dress worn in mourning from a century ago. I stung with embarrassment, comparing it to the gorgeous pink gown her mother would be wearing.

Was this the lady who would become my daughter-in-law in a little while?

I was lying awake that night, gazing at the ceiling. Elizabeth would believe that she could treat me disrespectfully forever if I allowed her to do so now.

I informed Gloria over the phone, “I know I’m right in this.” “I know that if I let Elizabeth walk all over me, then nothing is going to change.”

“Julia, do what you need to do,” she instructed.

I dressed in the black “bag” dress and arrived early on the day of the wedding. Everyone was hustling around, preparing. In addition to Elizabeth’s hair and makeup specialists scurrying around to get to her dressing room, there were people racing around with floral arrangements.

There was mayhem.

However, I maintained my composure, grinning and extending a warm greeting to the guests. I even allowed Elizabeth’s mother to brag about her gorgeous pink gown.

As she ran her hands down her garment, she exclaimed, “Isn’t this just gorgeous?” And to think Elizabeth had it all figured out for me! Although she asked one of her designer pals to make mine, I know she made yours by herself. How charming!”

“Yes, it’s really lovely,” I forced a grin.

I excused myself to visit the restroom as the ceremony was about to start.

“I’ll be right back!” I stated. “I just want to freshen up before we walk down the aisle.”

Unbeknownst to everyone, however, I was hiding a dress bag in one of the stalls. And inside came an exquisitely fitted scarlet outfit that flaunted my contours and self-assurance.

I slipped into the bathroom and changed into the gown very fast. Feeling like a queen, I brushed up my makeup, put on some gold jewelry, and stepped out.

“Amazing, ma’am,” exclaimed one of the restroom janitors. “You look stunning!”

I grinned, feeling better than I had all day.

People turned as I walked back to the ceremony. Guests commented on my clothing in whispers. It fit and the color were both excellent.

I sensed that everyone was looking at me, just as I had anticipated.

Elizabeth and her bridesmaids watched me from where they were. Her expression brightened to red with rage. Attempting to keep her voice down, she stormed over.

“What are you doing? Wear the dress I made, I told you! It was meant specifically for you and today,” she growled.

The bridesmaids exchanged quick glances as they debated whether to stay or go.

“Oh, my love,” I said. “I apologize. It felt wrong to wear a black bag on such a happy day. This seems like a more suitable option.

I gave her a kind grin.

Elizabeth was furious, but I remained composed. Visitors started to come up to me, praising me and inquiring about the source of my clothing.

“You look amazing! The cousin’s daughter exclaimed, “That dress is amazing.”

My brother-in-law commented, “Julia, you are absolutely beautiful.” “You outshine everyone here!”

The ceremony’s music cue then began to play. Now was the moment.

All Elizabeth could do was clench her teeth and endure it. She was unable to create a scene without appearing to be the antagonist of this tale.

I noticed her furious glances at me as the ceremony continued. Her well-thought-out scheme to humiliate me had completely failed.

“Mom!” Jimmy remarked as we were gathering for pictures following the ceremony. “You look amazing. I’m very happy you came.”

He gave me a strong hug.

“Darling, where else would I be on your special day?” Squeezing him back, I asked. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

Additional folks approached me to complement my dress during the reception following the ceremony. And for once, I enjoyed being the center of attention.

Jimmy felt that I looked fantastic and that I deserved all the attention, and I would have felt horrible if he had been offended or hurt by my attire.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, was clearly frustrated, but there was nothing she could do about it without endangering Jimmy and making a scene. Without saying a single nasty word, I had won.

Jimmy approached me and said, “Mom,” carrying two pieces of wedding cake. “Come, let’s have some cake together.”

I wanted to tell him everything right then and there. Regarding Elizabeth’s actions and the feelings she evoked in me. But I realized that now was not the appropriate moment.

That’s how I wanted my son to be, and he was genuinely happy with his bride.

I felt satisfied as I made my way to my car. Elizabeth would have to carry that with her into her marriage to my son since I had demonstrated to her that I would not be treated disrespectfully.

The most important thing was that my bond with Jimmy stayed solid, which was the nicest aspect.

Elizabeth showed me a newfound respect from that day on. She understood that I should not be taken lightly.

How would you have responded in that situation?

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