Optical Illusion Test That’ll Reveal If You Have A Self Critical Personality

An optical illusion is nothing more than a trick of our visual sense organs. However, even an illusion might reveal important information about ourselves.

If you’re looking for optical illusions that also double as personality tests, TikTok offers a slew of creators who specialize in them. One of the more well-known is Mia Yillin (@mia_yillin). She recently provided one in which you may get a sense of how self-critical you are.

So, which image did you first notice? A black crow perched on top of a rock is one of the two things in the image. The other is a man’s face constructed from smaller boulders stacked on top of one another beneath the crow. According to Mia, the following are the explanations for the first image you saw:

The Crow: You’re known for being judgmental. Even if it appears to be a criticism at first glance, Mia emphasizes that it is not necessarily something negative. She claims that you develop strong opinions about others almost accidentally. Your intuition, on the other hand, is exceptionally strong. As a result, your suspicions and preconceptions are usually proven correct.

The Face: If you noticed the face first, you are very critical of yourself. Being self-critical, according to Mia, is a defense mechanism for you. This is due to your intense dread of being hated or rejected by those around you. As a result, you subconsciously preempt this rejection by being excessively self-critical and self-demeaning from the start. Mia graciously offered some words of wisdom for those that say the face. She advised them not to let their self-critical and self-sabotaging ideas get in the way of becoming the person they desired to be.

Mia’s precision on the platform is well-known, and this optical illusion was no exception. Viewers and followers hurried to the comments area to inform the designer of her astounding accuracy. One individual remarked on how precise the crow explanation is.

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