When six-year-old Sam was told by his dad that his mom had “flown to heaven,” he thought she was just on a trip. He asked when she’d be back — and his dad broke down in tears.
A week later, still confused and missing her deeply, Sam called 911. The phone was answered by a dispatcher named John Lewis.
“This is 911, how may I help you?”.
“This is Sam and I’m calling to tell you about my mother.”
“Why?” the voice asked. “What’s wrong with her?”
“Well she has not been home for a few days and me and my dad are getting worried,” Sam answered. “He says she went to heaven but I’m afraid she got lost on her way.”
The dispatcher almost hung up, thinking it was a prank—until he heard the despair in the boy’s voice.
“How old are you?” he asked.
“I’m six, sir. Can you help me find my mom?” Sam replied.
John Lewis paused before responding.
“If you want her to find her way home,” he said gently, “try writing her a letter each month and send it with a red balloon. When she sees them, she’ll know she’s missed—and maybe she’ll follow them back to you.”
After little Sam called the police again, disappointed that no one had replied to his letters, the dispatcher reassured him and encouraged him to keep writing. Moved by Sam’s dedication, the officer looked into his background and spoke with his family and teachers.
A few days later, a police motorcade arrived on Sam’s street. One by one, the officers stepped out—each holding a letter just for him.
Lifted by the hope the balloons gave him, Sam decided to send his mother another letter. This time, he got a response — a heartfelt note saying how deeply she loved him. What Sam didn’t know was that it was actually his father who had written it, until the day came when Sam could face the reality of his mother’s passing.