True story of cat adopted by nursing home that actually ‘predicted more than 100 deaths’

A cat who was taken in by a retirement home gave its new owners more than they bargained for after it went on to ‘predict’ more than 100 residents’ deaths by sensing when they were unwell

A cat has gone viral after it eerily predicted more than 100 deaths.

Oscar the cat was taken in by a retirement home, but according to an anonymous Reddit user, he gave his new owners more than they bargained for. The social media fan said the moggy went onto “predict the deaths of over 100 residents by spending time with them when he sensed they were in their last moments.”

Oscar has since proven a hit with users of the site who can’t believe how he managed to offer so much comfort when it was needed most. The original poster wrote: “Oscar the Cat was adopted by the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island, United States.

“He was adopted to be a therapy cat only for the people working there to realize that he didn’t spend much time with any of the residents and kept mostly to his self. But, one day he showed great interest in one resident specifically and showed great affection towards them. That resident soon died a few days later.

This is Oscar, a cat that was adopted by an old folks home that correctly predicted the deaths of over 100 residents by spending time with them when he sensed they were in their last moments (more details in comments)
byu/Jjokes11 ininterestingasfuck

“The workers realized that Oscar only spent time with certain resident when he somehow knew they were in their last moments. One time, the workers tried to get him to spend time with a senior who they believed were going to die soon only for him to spend time with a seemly healthy senior.

“That seemly healthy senior soon died a few days later. Over the course of his life, Oscar correctly predicted over 100 people’s deaths, and comforted them in their last moments. He died on February 22nd, 2022 at the age of 17.”

Others were quick to share similar brushes they had had with seemingly all-knowing animals. One person wrote: “That actually happened when I worked as an aid in a nursing home, years ago.

“One of my residents was 100 years old and her time was coming to an end. Our home’s cat, Louie, started spending time in the woman’s room.

A cat was adopted by a nursing home and predicted “over 100 deaths”
It seems cats may have some creepy psychic abilities (stock) ( Image: Getty Images)
“The woman’s daughter freaked out and demanded that the cat be removed – she felt his presence meant her mom was dying. Unfortunately, the cat was right.”

Another chimed in with: “Yeah it’s the biochemistry (most likely). Came here to say this. Even dogs can know when people have cancer. Their body starts secreting different hormones/enzymes which the animals can detect.”

A third replied: “I can think of far worse ways to go than snuggling up with an affectionate cat.” Meanwhile, a fourth also commented: “Death comes for us all. I would be happy to have Oscar be my guide to the afterlife.”

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