@ashxobrien I want to know who is also having a hard time finding a job right now! #jobs #jobmarket
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Putnam also believes her tattoos might be a factor.
“I absolutely do think it’s about my tattoos because apparently my tattoos are demonic and scary to a lot of people,” she shared with the Daily Star.
“TJ Maxx did not say this to me – that’s just a lot of the comments I’ve gotten on my video. People are being extremely hateful on my TikTok saying I should work at a circus or Halloween stores.”
Even if her body art was indeed the reason for not getting the job at the retailer, she feels companies should reassess their hiring practices.
“If they think tattoos determine job skill and qualifications they really need to rethink. Tattoos, piercings and colored hair are not unprofessional. It shows creativity and uniqueness. It’s 2024, people need to get over not liking tattoos.”
Do you think tattoos impact someone’s chances of getting hired? Should they? Share your thoughts with us on Facebook.