Nobody Believed Him When He Explained His Morning Ritual With An Unusual Friend, So They Recorded It

Young children often make strange choices for friends. 

Some even have imaginary friends. But not the boy in this video. His special friend turns out to be a gentle, giant manta ray.

His unusual friendship with the huge sea-creature has been captured on video at the wharf on one of the Canary Islands. This picturesque archipelago, nestled to the northwest of Africa, is a haven for marine life, particularly rays and fish that thrive in its coastal waters.

The enchanting connection between the young boy and the gentle giant of the sea was on full display. 

Rays frequently congregate around a set of stone stairs by the waterfront, where throw their rejects and scraps every day. It’s here that an unusual friendship blossomed.

The child, armed with a handful of food, would call out to his unique friend, a friendly manta ray, who responded without hesitation. The ray shows no fear of coming right up to the steps to take the food from his friend’s hand and even calmly accepts the boy’s stroking.

Watching the interaction between the boy and the manta ray, one could almost mistake it for a tender exchange between friends who cherished each other’s company.

This heartwarming scene challenges conventional notions of human-animal relationships, showcasing the deep connection that can exist between species.

Manta rays are the largest species of stingrays. 

They can grow to more than 20 feet wide and can weigh up to three-thousand pounds! They are considered among the most intelligent of marine animals. They often display curiosity towards humans, and this encounter exemplifies their gentle disposition. They are not normally aggressive but, like most animals, will defend themselves if they are attacked or are frightened. There are extremely few recorded deaths by stingrays. You are at much greater risk of coming to harm from a common domestic cow.

This heartwarming video not only showcases the innate wonder of nature but also reminds us of the profound connections that can form between humans and the animal kingdom, even in the most unexpected of places.



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