This poor little kitten was hiding in a cat engine, and when the driver came back to the car, the kitten was frightened! It jumped out and went straight into the storm drain seeking a hiding spot, but it found itself stuck!
The kitten got stuck inside, but luckily, once this man realized where it was, he came to the rescue! This man, named Avi Kuzi, does his best to rescue animals whenever he can, as he says:
“I always get to be there for them, no matter how challenging the road.”
Avi is an animal rescuer, and thanks to him, thousands of them have been safely rescued.
“It’s not just love for animals, it’s more than that. They are part of my blood. They are an extra sense in my body.”
Thanks to Avi, this little kitten’s unfortunate ending turned into a happy ending.

Look at Avi’s happy face. That is the face of a successful rescue!

And, as he always does, he sealed the rescue job with a kiss.

It’s truly a happy ending.

Watch the entire rescue below: