Secrets can make or break a relationship. Sometimes, it can bring people together.
Other times, it’s the reason why people never speak to one another again. Still, we like reading about the times some juicy secrets get revealed. Especially when they don’t involve us.
One person online recently prompted others to share their best-kept secrets, when they asked: “What’s the most disturbing secret you’ve ever been told?”
From heartbreaking ones like secret affairs and deathbed confessions to more chaotic evil ones like feeding vegetarians meat and never washing jeans, people shared all kinds of secrets.
I want to be really vague about this, so I’ll explain it this way: A very mild-mannered, friendly older man told me about how he was working abroad in an area that had just gone through an ethnicity-based civil war. The place was still very chaotic and lawless.
He and his colleagues found out there was a group of local men from one ethnic group who would abduct and assault primary school-aged girls from the other ethnic group. There was really no good legal mechanism through which to address this. My friend and his colleagues decided the best way to deal with it was to find out where the men lived and shoot them in the head.

They went out over the course of one night, k*lled several of the men and left their bodies in the road. The assaults in the area stopped because most of the perpetrators were dead and the ones that were left didn’t dare do anything again.
My friend wasn’t upset by about k*lling them, but seemed haunted by what the men were doing to the girls. He said of the men, “They had no business being alive.”
My stepdad confessed on his deathbed that he’d spent thirty years with my very difficult mother just to be sure I could have a normal life. He passed away from cancer about a week later.
For what it’s worth I’m married to a wonderful woman, have two amazing kids, and a fantastic career.
Thanks Dad.

An uncle beat a guy almost to death with his bare hands. He had walked in on a friend molesting a kid. He had to pay a fine and do community service for a long time but also didn’t have to pay for beer at the local bar for a few months. He was so reserved and kind so it threw me when I found out what he’d accomplished in his younger years.

My cousin was a nanny for a wealthy family in the upper west side for three years. They had one daughter who had dairy allergies. My cousin thought she could ease dairy into her diet and make her allergy disappear. So she did that, slowly adding dairy into her diet.
The poor little girl had allergic reactions, and her parents could not figure it out. Of course, my cousin didn’t fess up. And of course, the allergy never disappeared. That poor girl, having such bad reactions and all because of my cousin’s psycho way of thinking.

I am 43 and recently found out that my grandfather (who passed away before I was born) was in prison when he was 16 for killing his father. There were reports of child and spouse abuse and alcoholism. My family looked at it as if he was protecting his siblings. When he got out of prison he met my grandmother, and they had 11 children who were protected until his death.

A co-worker told me her 2nd child wasn’t her husband’s.
Did not need that information.
My ex would feed vegetarians meat and not tell them.
Not as crazy as others’, but I found out that my dad is actually my stepdad and my real dad left immediately after I was born. 18 years and still haven’t met the guy.

A friend of mine told me she is having an affair with one of our friend’s father.
Someone once told me literally where the body was buried.
A friend of mine who is married told me that before he was married he was teaching English in Thailand and that he was in a relationship with a ladyboy for three years. He says if his wife ever finds out she will definitely break up with him.

I slept with a guy who was a civil engineer once, and he worked on a multimillion dollar high rise building he ultimately had to quit working on because they wanted it built under dimensions that weren’t safe for the soil conditions. so they said either say its safe or we find someone who will. and when he refused, they did.
supposedly, that building [which he wouldn’t specify for obvious reasons], ended up in fact being built the way they wanted, and it will likely face significant structural issues and lawsuits in future years. it may even be dangerous for residents.

My mother told me that my father physically hurt my brother as a toddler. She said dad had grabbed him by the back of the neck in a rage, and my brother held his head crooked for weeks.
She finally took my brother to the doctor. My brother was fine, but mom asked her little boy to lie, and not tell the doctor what dad had done to him.
I wasn’t even born yet, but my father was a violent man throughout my whole childhood. I wish my parents had gotten a divorce much earlier.

My grandma told me that before I was born my mother had an affair with my dad’s married brother. She apparently cheated a lot. When I was out of the house and married my dad got a letter in the mail telling him she was cheating again and going on trips with this guy. They finally got divorced.

I knew my moms grandpa had died young (like 50-55) but never knew how. apparently, a cop was driving drunk and way over speed limit, hit his tractor from behind which flipped over and slid over 200 feet, killing him instantly
the cop had to pay around 1000 dollars in today’s money as compensation, but did not get sentenced to jail or anything else for that matter (very small town and the cop was buddy buddy with the town leaders).

So, I once had a friend confess to me that they had a secret relationship with their married boss. It wasn’t just a fling either; it went on for years. They’d sneak around, have secret rendezvous, and even go on fake business trips together. The worst part? The boss’s spouse had no idea and thought everything was perfectly fine.

Someone confessed they never wash their jeans. like ever. Still can’t decide if it’s genius or gross.
My boss faked his qualifications entirely.
A friend once confessed they enjoy eating pizza with mayonnaise on top.

Had a roommate showed me an article in the local section of the city newspaper, it was about a young man killed outside of a club. He had gotten into a fight and the other person punched him and he then fell and hit his head on the curb and later died. The incident had happened a year prior and they were still looking for the suspect.
Roommate told me it was him, he had punched the dude. He had a bad temper and I believed him.

My dad was involved in gangs when I was a baby. They were both crack heads and my dad made friends with one of them who would help pay our bills we were behind on. My mom said one night he came in and his shoes were all bloody and he wouldn’t speak a word to her about it.

When my dad was younger, he joined the air force. His mother, my grandmother, who I couldn’t stand, almost had a nervous breakdown because she was afraid he would go overseas.
I found out, from a very reliable source, that she actually prayed that something would happen to him to prevent him from going overseas.
About 6 months into his enlistment, he was struck with a crippling disease that caused him to have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.