Meet the Glistening Green Tanager, a bird you would expect to blend in with nature because of its green color—but it is practically fluorescent.
You would think that this bird would be pretty hard to spot in the wild, given its green color. But is so green that it almost glows when you see it!
Even though they don’t have a beautiful combination of multiple colors, it’s green plumage is bright enough to make it distinguishable amongst the green treetops.
This is a raw photo of them, unedited, and have not been enhanced in any way.
And yes, they are really that green. They look like those fluorescent highlighters we use to have in school!
There may be some color correction set in photos that are shared online, but this one is a good enough proof of what it looks like in real life.
Sometimes spotting them in nature can be a little bit tricky, so when this happens, they can always be identified by their wheezy and lispy calls and vocalizations. Some groups, such as those in Ecuador, exhibit more complicated song arrangements that have a series of ticking notes rapidly produced, and ends in a jumbled high-pitch group of notes.
They feed on fruits, however, they prefer small insects and larvae.
Most tanagers feed on fruits, but this one visits the fruiting trees a little less than others because they like to consume insects more. They can be hard to keep an eye on since they are almost always searching for prey.
It hangs upside down like a bat, and gleans insects from the foliage undersides. They may also come to feeding stations that are stocked with fruits.
Glistening Green Tanagers are tagged under the Least Concern category, and hopefully, won’t be depleting in numbers any time soon. They are just one of the many wonders that nature has to offer!
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