A Dairy Queen owner has defended a sign describing his restaurant as ‘politically incorrect’ for its support for ‘God and country’.
The sign at the store in Kewaskum, in Wisconsin, explains to customers that staff may say ‘Merry Christmas’, ‘Happy Easter’, ‘God Bless America’ and hand out free sundaes to veterans on Veterans Day.
At the bottom of the sign it says ‘In God We Trust’, which has been the national motto of the USA since 1956 and is printed on the country’s currency.

The sign, that has been in the shop window for four years, attracted attention when customer Ashley Coleman objected to it.
The Oregon resident posted a picture of the sign to Dairy Queen’s Facebook page claiming it was ‘extremely offensive’.
Another, Steve Thomas, from Milwaukee, said: ‘I feel this is a pretty tasteless thing to have posted at one of your franchises. The part of the sign that I disagree with is his use of a political term “snowflake”…he is literally alienating half the population by using that term.
‘The other thing I don’t like is him belittling “safe spaces”. Young adults need a safe place to talk when they are at a dark place in their lives but won’t go because of how much criticism they may receive because of it. That’s why I disagree with this sign.’
But owner Kevin Scheunemann defended the Christian sign saying he ‘felt it was appropriate to hang in terms of being transparent about the views of the owner and staff supporting God and country.’
He added: ‘It just seems that those kinds of values and principles are becoming controversial in society.’
Dairy Queen distanced itself from the sign saying it didn’t speak for the company or any other franchise owners.
Other business owners in the town said they supported Mr Schuenemann’s right to run his store the way he wanted.
April Serwe, who owns local bar PJ Magoos, said: ‘He posted it on the door so you see it before you walk in. You don’t have to walk in if you don’t agree with it.’
He also won praise from many people on social media who argued that ‘if you don’t like it, don’t eat there’.
Melissa Rose said: ‘The sign on the door is perfect’.
‘It’s about time someone stands for the non whiny Americans’, Sandy Roberts added.
Mary McSweeney Lanese wrote on Facebook: ‘Your franchisees have the right to post any signs they want…and not being “politically correct” is even more of a reason to shop in those stores. Sick and tired of people being offended by the least little thing.
Leslie Jones Loeffelholz added: ‘I love it! This is the land of freedom! He has every right to post that sign on his business! If you don’t like it, don’t eat there!’

In a statement seen by CBS, Dairy Queen said: ‘American Dairy Queen Corporation does not encourage our independently owned and operated franchisees to post non-business related messages in their locations or on their external reader boards.
‘This sign expresses the views of this independent owner only and does not speak for ADQ Corporation or any of our other independent franchise owners.
‘We expect our franchisees and employees to treat every person who walks through our doors with the utmost dignity and respect. Nothing less is acceptable.’